Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not the back again!!!??

As u have noticed I havnt been posting up any new entrys this week,coz I've been stuck in hospital!
My back is playin up again!! This time I got a disslodged vertebra!! Which sounds painful and believe me it is.
But the nurses tell me that it might actually be worst than that!
I've been in a tremendous amounts of pain for the last 2 weeks,I can barely walk,I need two walking sticks to get around !!
I'm having another MRI this afternoon, to get a better idea or even get a different angle than the ones they did last week...
All I bought with me was my iPhone and a book !!
Lucky me for the first time ever there's a cute nurse that hooked me up with a lil somesomething late last night!
I leave it to your imagination but all I can say I only thought that shit happened in movies!!
Apart from that I'm sharing the room with some old timer that's into woodwork but he's battling his ass of just to breath!!
God bless him!!
I hope he gets better...!
I'll be sure to get back to posting up as soon as i'm able to physically.
Till then lots of love to everyone and thank u all for the nice messages!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


This is one of the things i hate the most bout saying hello to people when i walk in the streets.It takes forever to get anywhere, coz i end up bumping into 2 many people i know ,especially on oxford street,so basically if u see me ,just wave and go on about your business ,otherwise i'll never get anything done...
This is a short movie to show u what a real handshake should be like....!
Gus!game on...!

Gotta rep da french B-BOYS!!!!!

Junior is a french breaker the mostly dances using his upper body,i know 100% sure but from what i heard he has one leg longer then the other coz of polio...not sure if its a fact! but recognise the upper body strength,this guys does some amazing stuff!!!!!!
I present to u B-BOY JUNIORRRRRR!!!!

Matte Black Rolls Royce Phantom...!

I love that car,reminds me of the cars in the batman cartoon when i was a kid!!!!
but i looks so good in matte black..!Even the angel got done!

the new Sherlock Holmes....

This looks like it might be a good interpretation of the book!!!
I kinda liked Robert Downey jr in IRONMAN and i hope this movie of Sherlock Holmes will turn out to be good!!!
Also Jude Law plays the role of Dr.Watson.A pretty good cast,i'm sure all the girls'll be lining up to go see this flick...!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sweeeet boardies...!!!

Crooks and Castles boardies...C&C always got the goods...!
Once again the patttern kills it...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Shark attack...

Well this time i don't know the guy ,but i was sent this image and thought it was pretty priceless!!!!!!!!!!
The definition of irony.. arm gets taken off by a shark, so what tattoo would be fitting?

Record Time™ Exhibition

Last friday night,Bza and i went to the Record Time™ Exhibition that was held at the Palmer projects gallery!!The show was hosted by the boys from refill...
We got there around 8.00 o'clock and already most clocks had been sold out...!
The theme of the exhibition was to lazered vinyl done by 24 different artists..!
Some of them were real cool, some of them just interesting for the technical aspect,u be the judge of the ones u like the best,some the artists that were featured were:Alife,Alex Trochut, Michael C PLACE, Si Scott, Luca Ionescu, and one of my all time favorites Bigfoot.....the clock were goin for a very reasonable price of au$150..
Some of these pics are pretty average coz i took them on my phone!!
My two favorite ones are obiously the WU-TANG one made by ALIFE and the BIGFOOT made by BIGFOOT.....

News vans!!!!

My favorite color is blue...and i love patent leather sneakers.!
These covert both...

Sex sells!!!!

u ear it often and i agree sex sells!!!
i thought those 2 adds were quite subtle and funny at the same time...

Julian Beever's pavement fresco's....!!!

This dude has been doing trompe l'oeil for the last ten years.He exceeds in his field.It kinda makes me thinks of the fresco u see on ceiling in church or cathedral..
i think the picture speak for themselves...!It be pretty rad to have one of them in your living room underneath a carpet,like a trap door or something like a dungeon or some sort of pit..

LeBron James ....being smooth....!

I love the part where he says "baby i don't express!"....

Friday, May 15, 2009

How money is made!!

i find it witty and resonnably accurate,i feel like sometimes there all fukin us,and there's nothing we can really do about it...this shortfilm,makes me thing of that movie Zeitgeist...!!
U be the judge...!


Pretty funny stuff....there should be more collabo'z like that...I was thinking something along the lines of Transformers vs my little pony,or even 300 vs Asterix and Obelix.....or not....!