Sunday, June 21, 2009

Neil Krug & Joni Harbeck

This is probably one of the best photography book out this year!!!
I'm totally in love with this style of photgraphy,i feel like i grew up with these pics!!!Two thunbs up for this publication.
Pulp is the collaborative effort of super model Joni Harbeck and photographer Neil Krug. Inspired by the aesthetics and action of 1970s cult film, the duo have created a pictorial narrative taking Harbeck through a series of eventful scenarios. The book releases soon, but in the meantime there is a full site detailing the production. Check it at Pulpartbook.
Pulp is an upcoming photo book of psychedelic images made to look like old school paperback covers. The book features supermodel Joni Harbeck exclusively as the heroine in a world of fabricated dramas. Everything in the book has been photographed with expired Polaroid film to put across the mood of looking at a beautifully beat to hell dusty LP cover.
Equipement used during the shoot...
Polaroid Land Automatic 100, Spectra ProCam, Mamiya 600 SE, One Step, SX-70, i-zone, Pronto RF, Lubitel 166 B, Holga, Colorburst 350, Brownie target Six-16, Exa Jhagee Dresden, Pentax Spotmatic, Regula Sprinty 300, and a gang of Nikons and Canons.

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