Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Busy-B vs BUSY-P.........

Another busy day in Paris.I went to the Lance Amstrong charity exhibition in the Marais.The first few shots are from the exhition,then went and met up with Pedro to give him one of the Babekhul toy,remember about a montha ago i did an entry about the Babekhul crew and their BABU cloud,which totally rocks!!!!On the way to Busy-p's office i bumped into one of my favourite homies from Australia.Wicked Force aka Luke Wilson aka The New Luke Wilson aka Playboy ....and his lovely girlfriend Jess.Even better my homies FZA's lil sister Eleonore and her boyfriend Alex were also there!!!!!CRAZY!!!
Well i was pretty exited to just bump into them in the middle of the streets of paris!!!!After the checking out Busy-p's Ed Banger head quarters he invited me upstairs tohis place to check out some of the new jewellery coming out under Ed Banger...
Pretty sweet stuff!
He also kindly posed for a few pics with the BABU cloud!!He also showed me the new Air Force One's done by SO-ME and himself for the Lance Amstrong foundation.All of Nike's profit went to the foundation!
Went and ate the best Brioche ever afterwards!!!(definatly worth mentioning)
Meet up with a bunch of friends for dinner in Bastille at this restaurant called Rusty,the owner was so kind and welcoming offered us 2 bottles of wine for free and grapa at the end of dinner ,not only that but the food was delicious...!

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