Friday, August 14, 2009

Night out with the Legendary Guy Griffin...

Had a lil car crash after leaving the BHV ,which made me late for an aperitif with some friends!!!
Of course seeing that I'm always late my friends thought i had made up a story to cover up for being late by 1 hour !
Anyway i went and met up with The Duke aka Edvard,and the Legendary Guy Griffin,along with his devilish boyish smile and his cheeky dimples!!!!Ilove him,and shit every girl thats ever come across him falls madly in love with him!
I was with about 5 girls that all had boyfriends with them and yet u couldn't get their attention for more than a minute ,due to the fact that they were hanging on to every word Guy was saying!!!!
Anyway there's a few picks!
The previous night were i had dinner with my parent coz the were also in paris and my older brother Kev who's now got some shit growing on his upper lip aka the Moustache.
Sadly enough upon arriving at the restaurant i didn't manage to capture it on my phone coz the piece of shit is so slow but i got to see a Buggatti EB110,followed by two Mercedes SLR Mclaren's ,one red convertible and one light grey hard top!!!!FUKING PRICELESS moment for a fiend like me!!!

By the way my friend Alex got NWA tatooed on him and i reckon its hilarious and very cool at the same time so i'm gonna call it "Hillacool"!

Notice Guy wears old school Tsubi's before it had a "K",still maybe thats part of his charm!!!????hahahah

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