Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not the back again!!!??

As u have noticed I havnt been posting up any new entrys this week,coz I've been stuck in hospital!
My back is playin up again!! This time I got a disslodged vertebra!! Which sounds painful and believe me it is.
But the nurses tell me that it might actually be worst than that!
I've been in a tremendous amounts of pain for the last 2 weeks,I can barely walk,I need two walking sticks to get around !!
I'm having another MRI this afternoon, to get a better idea or even get a different angle than the ones they did last week...
All I bought with me was my iPhone and a book !!
Lucky me for the first time ever there's a cute nurse that hooked me up with a lil somesomething late last night!
I leave it to your imagination but all I can say I only thought that shit happened in movies!!
Apart from that I'm sharing the room with some old timer that's into woodwork but he's battling his ass of just to breath!!
God bless him!!
I hope he gets better...!
I'll be sure to get back to posting up as soon as i'm able to physically.
Till then lots of love to everyone and thank u all for the nice messages!!

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