Sunday, May 17, 2009

Record Time™ Exhibition

Last friday night,Bza and i went to the Record Time™ Exhibition that was held at the Palmer projects gallery!!The show was hosted by the boys from refill...
We got there around 8.00 o'clock and already most clocks had been sold out...!
The theme of the exhibition was to lazered vinyl done by 24 different artists..!
Some of them were real cool, some of them just interesting for the technical aspect,u be the judge of the ones u like the best,some the artists that were featured were:Alife,Alex Trochut, Michael C PLACE, Si Scott, Luca Ionescu, and one of my all time favorites Bigfoot.....the clock were goin for a very reasonable price of au$150..
Some of these pics are pretty average coz i took them on my phone!!
My two favorite ones are obiously the WU-TANG one made by ALIFE and the BIGFOOT made by BIGFOOT.....

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